The Transcomplex Manager, a gnoseological hermeneut of intelligent organizations in the praxeology of open coding
Transcomplex Manager, Gnoseology, Intelligent Organizations, PraxeologyAbstract
Within an organization, different individuals converge, who play different roles with similar or different functions; however, all their needs, desires for responsibility, authority, skills or abilities are different, in addition, satisfaction, as well as job dissatisfaction are different. The purpose of this article is to carry out an analysis of the transcomplex manager, a gnoseological hermeneutic of intelligent organizations in the praxeology of open coding, a documentary review under a qualitative approach. The theoretical foundations on which it is based are the role of the manager, Transcomplex management, the confluence with other philosophical branches, hermeneutics, epistemology, other types of structures such as intelligent organizations and research paradigms such as praxeology and open coding. As a final reflection, the transcomplex manager is presented from his humanity, incorporating in his practice new theories to manage that go towards the basics of a person as an individual and not as someone who is in the organization to fulfill a function, where the transcomplexity approach is applied from tools through which it allows him to establish better relationships with his peer’s using synergy and collaborative work. managing to value human resources and enhance teamwork in a non-linear way, promoting knowledge from the complexity and transcendence of human resources.
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