Psychoeducational Intervention In Students With Specific Learning Disorder At The Primary Education Level



Dislexia, Disortografía, Discalculia, Intervención temprana, Abordaje psicoeducativo


Specific learning disorders are a neurological alteration that occurs in children and adolescents that interferes with the acquisition of skills in reading (Dyslexia), writing (Dysortography) and calculation (Dyscalculia). This can affect their academic performance within of primary education spaces. The objective of this article is to raise awareness among educational institutions about carrying out early intervention in these problems that affect the academic performance of the student. On the other hand, Dyslexia is taken as a relevant factor in this problem, since the difficulty in carrying out an adequate reading affects the way of processing information when analyzing, comparing, establishing an order that allows you to carry out the information of the idea. Main and secondary part of a text will make it difficult for him to carry out adequate writing and at the same time process logical mathematical reasoning in the activities carried out by his teacher in the classroom. Subsequently, the use of a documentary investigation allowed us to obtain the compilation of theoretical information on how to treat dyslexia, what is its origin, symptoms, causes and consequences and the way in which the psychoeducational approach can be carried out that guarantees its school process, this is thanks to the support of an interdisciplinary team that will provide a diagnosis based on their interests and needs so that joint work can be carried out with the family, school and community for the academic success of the student who presents dyslexia within a learning space

Author Biography

  • Dustin Martínez Mora, Unidad Educativa Juan Bautista García Roa. Docente Especialista

    Soy Dustin Martinez Mora ,Profesor de Educación Especial Dificultades en el Aprendizaje y Retardo Mental , Msc en Educación Gerencia Educativa ,Especialización de Posgrado Procesos Didácticos a Nivel Básico,en la actualidad Doctorando en Ciencias de la Educación UPEL Extensión Académica San Cristóbal. En la actualidad me desempeño como docente de aula integrada de la Unidad Educativa Juan Bautista Garcia Roa puesto que presto atención a estudiantes con interferencias en el aprendizaje.


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How to Cite

Martínez Mora, D. . (2024). Psychoeducational Intervention In Students With Specific Learning Disorder At The Primary Education Level. Revista Venezolana De Pedagogía Y Tecnologías Emergentes, 4(2), 194-206.