Experiences Of Techno-Pedagogy In The Subject Fundamentals Of Television



Didactic conception, TAPCK, ICT resources, blended learning


The presentation is intended to address aspects about technopedagogy as theoretical design in the transformation of teaching-learning activities in the university environment, in the career engineering in telecommunications and electronic, focused on the didactic action of the subject ―Fundamentals of the Television‖ in the course for workers, where the teaching form predominates. The use of educational resources (digital and laboratory) and its effectiveness lead to need, to implement educational innovations from the pedagogical, using techno -pedagogical designs that integrate the contents and favor the development of professional skills. The complexity of the contents of the subject and the insufficiencies identified in the teaching-learning process, leads to the theoretical deepening of new pedagogical designs that support the digital transformation into the educational media and tools of laboratories, aimed. The partial results are based on addressing from the theoretical the techno-pedagogical design, the instructional design and the TPACK model, as theoretical foundations to address the objective of the research.


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How to Cite

Roba Iviricu, L. R. . (2024). Experiences Of Techno-Pedagogy In The Subject Fundamentals Of Television. Revista Venezolana De Pedagogía Y Tecnologías Emergentes, 4(2), 165-177. https://revistascespe.com/index.php/REVEPTE/article/view/41